Welcome to Agricultural Development and Food Security Network

Agricultural Develoment and Food Security Network (ADFSN) is an agricultural technology Organization that provides services to help farmers make more informed decisions and improve their profitability. ADFSN was founded in 2014 with the aim of leveraging technology and data to empower farmers and create a more transparent and efficient agricultural industry. ADFSN offers a range of tools and services to its members, who are primarily farmers. These include:

  • Agro-business Financing: ADFSN has partnered with financial institutions to provide farmers with access to capital and financing options for their farming operations
  • Donation: ADFSN helps farmers by donating agricultural inputs such as seeds, fertilizers, chemicals, and equipment. This helps farmers save money on their input costs.
  • Data insights: ADFSN collects and analyzes a vast amount of agricultural data from its members, including yield data, pricing information, and agronomic practices. By aggregating this data, ADFSN provides farmers with valuable insights and benchmarking information to help them make datadriven decisions
  • Crop marketing: ADFSN provides tools and resources to help farmers market their crops effectively. This includes access to local and global grain markets, real-time pricing information, and marketing recommendations.

Conceived by Farmers, Built by Innovators and Improved Together

The ADFSN Network was developed in 2014 by a handful of Agribusinesses as an independent, unbiased and objective farmer-driven information source. By sharing agronomic precision data with one another, they knew that all farmers could make better decisions on seeds and agronomics. No marketing fluff, just the facts on raw performance. They wanted transparency and to be treated fairly in the market. That’s how a dream became a reality — Agricultural Development and Food Security Network.
Within two years, the network spread to thousands of farmers managing millions of acres. As each new farmer joins the ADFSN Network, every member’s seed information, agronomic analytics and buying power gets stronger. When farmers connect, farmers win — and the services, technology and network keep growing.

Maximize Profit Potential

Cutting edge marketing and risk management services to help maximize the value of your crops.

Make Confident Decisions

Data-backed, farm-tested insights and our global farmer community to make decisions that improve the bottom line.

Reduce Production Costs

Great value and convenient farm products and services delivered direct-to-farm

A New Ag Lending Solution

ADFSN Finance makes it easy and affordable for Agribusinesses and farmers to finance their operation for the next generation.

Apply Now

Farm-Born Values

Farmers are the ultimate entrepreneurs — managing complex businesses on their own when the odds are often stacked against them. ADFSN strives to have the same values and work ethic as the farmer entrepreneurs in the network. Many ADFSN team members are farmers, grew up on farms, or have a deep connection to the land, so this is personal. ADFSN and its services are currently available Globally

Members .

Acres of Land

Grants and Loan disbursements.


Saul Goodman

Ceo & Founder of Blessing Dairy Farm

I recently joined ADFSN and was thoroughly impressed with the level of service I received. From the moment I applied for the registeration, the process was smooth and efficient. The officer was friendly and helpful, answering all of my questions and guiding me through the process.

Sara Wilsson

Coffee Farmer

The Grant itself was also a great fit for my needs. The terms were reasonable and competitive. I was able to get the funds I needed in a timely manner, and the fund has helped me achieve my financial goals in my agribusiness.

Jena Karlis

Store Owner

I would highly recommend Agricultural Development and Food Security Network to anyone in need of a loan, grant and farming knowledge. The team there truly cares about their members and goes above and beyond to ensure a positive experience.

Alice Chege


I would highly recommend ADFSN to anyone in need of a funding or support. Whether you're looking to make a big purchase or just need some extra financial support, they have a solution that will fit your needs. Thank you, ADFSN, for your excellent service of supporting Agribusinesses!.

John Larson


Thank you.


Check our Team

Walter White

Chief Executive Officer

Sarah Jhonson

Product Manager

William Anderson


Amanda Jepson



Contact Us


A108 Adam Street, New York, NY 535022


+1 5589 55488

+254 796 562 293

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